We packed from about 14 inches to 16 inches of fresh snow on Wednesday night. Snow was soft powder.
On Thursday night, March 16, we groomed the following trails. Some trails were groomed twice:
ITS 109 to ITS 86, Black Pond, PP x-over, B-Pond, Greenleaf/Gaunlet Falls loop, ITS 111, Ragged Mountain, 109/111 x-over, Downtown connector,109S toward Medway
There was heavy sled traffic up until Midnight on the trails Thursday. As a result, some didn’t have a chance to harden up fully.
Conditions today, Friday, began as packed powder. Then the trails were hit with a ton of traffic which chewed things up.
We are unable to groom a third night in a row (Friday) as all operators were unavailable – not to mention that we are currently $17,000 over our grant funding budget. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to our trail fund this year.